Thursday, February 3, 2011

Internet is running out of IP addresses...but don't panic!

It's time to update your calendars: the world IPv6 Day will start on June 8!

IPv4 vs IPv6 protocol comparison

The internet as we know it is running out of available IP addresses. The current IPv4 web protocol only provides about four billion unique web address and with almost seven billion people on the planet that means not everyone can even have their own IP address not to mention having multiple internet enabled devices. This is where the new IPv6 standard comes to the rescue. Unlike its 32-bit predecessor the new 128-bit IPv6 format allows for trillions of Internet addresses which will support a virtually unlimited number of devices.

IPv4 address utilization in 2000 vs 2010

And what if we do not embrace the new Internet standard? Well, there is no need to panic. According to a Google network engineer tasked with transitioning the Internet giant to the new IPv6 standard: "The Internet won't stop working; it will just slowly degrade," and with time "things will get slower and flakier."

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//PART 2